Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson were walking in the street. Words were exchanged between police officer Darren Wilson and Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson with both sides alleging that the other was the aggressive and disrespectful party. Next, a confrontation ensued; again, Wilson claiming he was attacked inside of the police vehicle and Johnson claiming that Wilson pulled Brown into the vehicle. Shots were fired, both Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson fled. Officer Wilson pursued Mr. Brown and ultimately shot him six times, killing him. Mr. Johnson and other witnesses claim that Mr. Browns hands were raised in surrender and Officer Wilson claims that Mr. Brown charged him. A Grand Jury is convened and Officer Wilson is not indicted which means that there will be no trial. The Grand Jury result sparks protest in Ferguson that ripple out across the world.
August 9, 2014 Michael Brown killed
August 10, 2014 Police Press Conference/Protest begin
August 10, 2014 Police use tear gas, rubber bullets, sound canons
August 11, 2014 Parents press conference/Protest grows
August 12, 2014 Dorian Johnson speaks/15 protesters arrested
August 13, 2014 Justice Department opens investigation
August 13, 2014 Start of school year delayed until Aug 18th
August 13, 2014 Reporters arrested
August 14, 2014 MHP Capt. Ron Johnson appt. by Gov. Nixon
August 14, 2014 President Obama holds press conference
August 15, 2014 Officer Darren Wilson identified as killer
August 15, 2014 Chief Thomas Jackson implicates Brown/Johnson
August 15, 2014 Family attorney confirms Jacksons' implication
August 16, 2014 Gov. Nixon declares a State of Emergency
August 17, 2014 Justice Department to perform autopsy
August 17, 2014 Police officer calls protesters, "animals".
August 18, 2014 National Guard deployed
August 18, 2014 Pres. Obama sends Atty. Gen. Eric Holder
August 19, 2014 Police officer threatens to shoot protester
August 19, 2014 officer states, "I will F***** kill you", "Get Back"!
August 20, 2014 Atty. Gen. Eric Holder meets Brown family
August 21, 2014 Gov. Nixon withdraws Guardsmen
August 25, 2014 Michael Brown Funeral
September 3, 2014 State of Emergency ended
September 4, 2014 Dept. Justice to investigate Ferguson PD
Sept. 16, 2014 Darren Wilson testifies while in hiding
Sept. 16, 2014 Protesters block traffic
Sept. 25, 2014 Chief Jackson apologizes to Brown family
October 10, 2014 Protests renew
October 13, 2014 Protesters march
October 21, 2014 Gov. Nixon proposes investigation
October 22, 2014 Michael Brown autopsy leaked
October 22, 2014 Brown shot 6 times
October 22, 2014 Marijuana present in Brown's system
Nov. 17, 2014 Grand Jury Decision imminent
Nov. 17, 2014 Gov. Nixon declares state of emergency
Nov. 24, 2014 Grand Jury does not indict Darren Wilson
Nov. 24, 2014 Citizens protest
Nov. 24, 2014 Buildings and vehicles damaged
Nov. 24, 2014 Tear gas used / 60 people arrested
Nov. 24, 2014 Pres. Obama calls for calm and peace
Nov. 25, 2014 Brown family speaks at press conference and
Nov. 25, 2014 criticizes county prosecuting attorney McCulloch
Feb. 11, 2015 Ferguson Police Chief resigns
Mar. 4, 2015 Department of Justice report find the FPD of multiple Civil Rights violations
Information and News Reports Concerning the Grand Jury Process*
Information Concerning the Killing of Black People in the United States*
Information Concerning Police Brutality*
Information Concerning the Black Lives Matter Movement*
Forestville High School Accepts Samuel L. Jackson's Challenge