Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The Tanka poem form originated in Japan around the 5th century as a means to commemorate a special occasion or to make note of a significant moment. It utilizes 31 syllables in a stanza of five lines organized 5-7-5-7-7 sequentially.


by Monica Hernandez

I woke up today
With a burden in my chest
I have no feelings
For this one boy I once liked
He was a jerk like all the others


by Mercedes Quigley

The Pollen is here
It smells dirty in the air
Flowers are growing
The sun is shining brightly
The air brings my allergies


by Stephanie Meade

You feel that nice breeze
When your hair is blowing
The sun is so bright
Put away your snow boots
And bring out your hands


by Jimekiah Bell

The flowers blooming
With a nice breeze spring is here
I want to relax
But I am still at Forestville


by Jamese Burke

Lonely dark black sky
Brings out many deranged wolves
Who howl at the moon
To tell that the moon is full
That’s their highlight for the night


by Monica Altamirano

Spring is wonderful
Beautiful flowers blooming
Great time to go out
Light breeze, sunshine, great weather
It makes everyone cheerful


by Cheronda Thomas

It’s not what you’ve heard
It is harder than you think
Don’t get caught in it
Unless you know it is for you
Cuz it sure nuff aint for me


by Dominic Kelly

The freezing white snow
Just make my skin go oh
It is just too cold
I can’t wait until the spring
When the warm air comes again


by Jesse Lopez

Spring is a delight
Despite of all my allergies
Itchy and runny nose
How I hate spring so much
But yet spring is a delight


by Carnel McClary

Hi it’s winter now
It’s very cold in the day
There’s snow on the ground
Having to play in the snow
Blocked in the house we can’t go


by Brittany Johnson

Flowers start to bloom
The weather starts to get hot
Coats get put away
It’s usually warm outside
Nature starts to look better


by Aisha Onley

Hurt and crushed from pain
Never thought you’ll hurt me like this
Didn’t deserve this hurt
Though nothing would ever change wid us
What the hell went wrong so fast


by Shawn Ragland

As the leaves fall down
Today I look forward to the night sound
Green leaves red leaves yellow
Clear skies dark night perfect view of life
Fall represent sighs of life


by Denzel Dickerson

Cold winds run through
The chill of the snow numbs me
The still winters freeze
Birds are nowhere to be found
The sky is filled with small flakes


by Antonese Barnes

Hate is a strong word
But sometimes you will use it
Hate is a feeling
Mostly people don’t mean it
But it is universal


By Jazmon Dickerson

Love is strong
But sometimes it’s good to love
Love is joy you feel
Love makes you smile and be happy
You laugh, smile, giggle all the time


By Anthony MacCoy

It’s not hard to love
When you find that special one
Cherish everyday
Like it will be your last day
That’s what I call love


By Paul Cruz

Summer, time for fun!
Graduation time oh yea!
90 degrees hot!
T-shirts, shorts, flip flops, no socks!
Let’s get in the pool it’s hot


By Alaysia Randall

Joy is in my face
Anticipating this day
I’ve waited so long
I finally made it here
And it’s called graduation


By Viviana Johnson

The winds are coming
Leaves changing from green to orange
Crunching while I walk
Bells ringing schools are in
Summer ends time for the fall


By Donnell Berryman

Don’t like this feeling
Not like me to be this way
Really hurt inside
Wish I could just turn times
Life goes on ill live for now


By Trevon Tolson

Spring break is coming
The flowers start to bloom now
There will be pollen
But that won’t keep me inside
This my last spring as a kid


By Gene Cole

Sizzling hot out
Lings back for the frosty men
Fans in the windows
Kids scattering everywhere
Pods filled bells threw summer


By Chane’ Watkins

Blazing sun and heat
People half naked in the street
All sandals on sale
School is out time for a job
Curfew I have no limit


By Kenneth Whitaker

The season of fall
The quick reverse of springtime
A cycle of life
An elegant time of the year
A gateway to winter, he cold


By Ayanna Graham

Tears, my eyes are red
I want to talk but I can’t
Please get out my fears
I’ll let you know when I’m good
Why are you still here, please leave